If you ask people: “What comes to mind when you think of the word marketing?”
You will probably get a myriad of answers and speculations. Depending on age and profession you will hear everything from “Yellow Pages” to “Instagram”. From “brochures” to “email blitz” and from “Cold Calling” to “Sit Down Meeting”.
Some will simply call it advertising or branding. Others might call it networking or “getting your name out there.” Yes, marketing includes those things, but generally speaking marketing is everything you do to attract prospects, clients, patients or buyers to your business.
Once you start the Marketing Process, you will soon find out, that if you’re attracting the wrong kind of prospects, clients, patients or buyers, your marketing efforts aren’t working. And if your revenue is up and down because you don’t consistently implement marketing, then you don’t have a system. Too many business owners spend a lot of time and money trying “getting their name out there” but have no real system of consistently attracting prospects. Most often, a small business owner’s marketing is a hit-and-miss approach or a gamble more than a planned effort.
Systematic Approach
MBglobaltraining takes a systematic approach to marketing that will support and enhance your business goals and objectives. We know marketing is not a static event. It is a dynamic process that must be fine tuned, tracked, measured and evaluated regularly to meet your needs every step of the way.
The fundamental purpose of a well-designed marketing strategy is to create a system that will train and enable you to implement methods that will be successful in achieving your goals. Using proven methods of analysis, comparison, compartmentalized implementation and individual tracking of results we create your customized marketing strategy that will produce measurable, sustainable and consistent results.
Since we focus on your marketing strategy, you have more time to focus on day to day operations and other business or personal priorities. We look forward to learning about your vision, your goals and objectives and we will create a marketing strategy to achieve them. Just give us a call, and we’ll set up a complimentary consultation at a time that’s convenient for you.

Please schedule your complimentary consultation. Put us to the test. Our clients work with us to achieve measurable and sustainable results in marketing, improve customer service, customer retention and depending on the strategy chosen grow sales exponentially.
What Makes Us Different?
We could write a long list of things we do differently than other consulting companies but the best way to describe it is to ask Meik Bartoschek CPC CPMC himself.
During the course of the last 30 years I had the good fortune to work in a wide variety of industries. I owned a Coffee Shop and Bistro, worked as Director of Training for an International Resort Hotel Chain, served as Executive Director for an International Consulting Group, trained Employees of Fortune 500 Companies and designed, built and managed my own Campground and RV Resort for 15 years. I worked in 16 countries and with people from 30+ different nationalities – but wherever I worked, and whoever I worked with I had to market a product or service providing me with a profound insight into the inner workings of marketing strategies from the largest industries to the small business entrepreneur and “Mom and Pop Place”.
Now that I have reached a point in life that I’d love to call “semi-retirement”, I have the luxury to offer my experience, my expertise, my knowledge and services to small business owners who would otherwise never be able to afford this type of service.